Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Started the week off with six xrays of my neck and four of my hand.  The Dr. informs me that me that the arthritis in my neck is very bad.  That in my hand not as bad as the neck.  As much pain as I am in, I'm thankful it isn't anything worse.

Today my house looks like a tornado has hit it and the demons from hell are making all the noise they can.  Why, you may ask.  Because, I am getting a walk-in-tub installed.  I have debated about it for the last year, but finally decided that even though I hate to spend the money, it has become a necessity.  It will be finished by tomorrow night.  What a tub.  It does everything but standing and singing the National Anthem.  Can't wait to try it. 

Well, the sun is shining, a slight breeze is swaying the branches outside my window, and the noise from the bathroom convinces me that I should go out on the patio and read.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


This week has started out with a bang.  Went to the Dr. yesterday.  Had six X-Rays on my neck and four on my hand.  I have arthritis very bad in my neck.  Also have it in my hand, but not as bad as the neck.However, I can't even carry a cup of coffee with my hand.  As much pain as I am in, I am still thankful that it is only arthritis and not something much worse

Today, my house looks like a cyclone hit it, but this is good.  I am having a new Walk-in-tub   installed.  I have had so much trouble with a regular bathtub that you wouldn't believe it.  This tub will do everything but stand up and tap dance.  I am looking forward to being a much cleaner person and hopefully one with a little less pain. 

Well, it is a beautiful sunny day, a slight breeze blowing and a lot of noise coming from the bathroom.  Think I'll go out on the patio  and read......ah, the life of a senior citizen.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another

Monday, July 9, 2012


Have you heard the story of America's Hero Dog for 2011?  There was a short blurb about her in Sunday's paper and I was so impressed I thought I should tell you about her.

Her name is Roselle.  She died in June of 2011 at the age of l3 years.   What did she do to become so famous?  She saved a man's life in a very dramatic way.

When the World Trades Center was demolished, on 9/11,Michael Hingson , a blind man, was working in his office on the 78th floor.  Reselle led that gentleman down 1,483 steps to safety, saving his life.

I am a big dog lover and it amazes me when an animal can do such  magnificent things.   God bless our furry friends who  make our life so complete.  Three cheers to a very special Yellow Labrador.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another

Friday, July 6, 2012


Well, the banana bread was great.  In one word, Moist.  As far as taste, I couldn't tell much difference.  The best thing about it was it was my new "comfort food".  From now on, it's blueberries in the batter.

Just finished reading Secret Lives of the First ladies, by Cormac O"Brien.  It covered all wives up through Laura Bush.  It is an interesting little book, with only four or five pages of information about each wife. It reveals some of their idiosyncrasies, their desire for or against their husband being president, their social life and their ability to be a president's wife.

Some wives gave great parties, a few were not very social, and there was one that forbid drinking, smoking, card playing or pool in the White House. 

Decorating was also an interesting aspect of the women.  From one wife to the next, some wives had very definite ideas on how the home should look and often quite different from one another.

A few had very tragic lives, such as Mary Todd Lincoln. 

If you are snoopy like me and like to know all about people, you will really enjoy this book.  It is light reading and sheds another aspect of Presidential life in the White House.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I just put a loaf of banana bread in the oven.  Tried something new.  I added a cup of fresh blueberries.  Will it be fantastic or a flop?  Only time will tell.  I let you know later.

Had a great day yesterday.  I had pizza with a group of girls I taught over forty years ago.  It was so much fun to figure out who they were (a couple I recognized) and to learn all about their lives now.  They were a happy group and within a few minutes you would have thought we had seen each other just the other day.  Good friends have no trouble relating.

I was sorry to learn of the death of two of the "girl's: husbands. 

Two of the girls were still happily married to their high school sweethearts.  That is so great.  All of them had interesting stories to tell and one girl brought her ninety plus mom, who was certainly young at heart.

It is getting harder and harder for me to go places.  Wish I had a big house and I could just have them all come here.

I missed a few of the girls that said they were coming, but didn't make it.  I have always though so much of all "my kids" and I am very happy that they invited me.  Thanks kids.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another.


Sunday, June 3, 2012


I really enjoyed reading in the Columbian newspaper this morning,  about the kids who are graduating from high school this year.  It is difficult for me to imagine how bright they are.  They seem so mature to me as opposed to kids when I was a teen.

They planned to be everything from a Dr.,a musician, to a pilot and a rodeo competitor, and many other vocations.  Not only were these their goals, they have been planning and studying for this even before they get out of high school.  Wow.....how different is this than when I went to high school.  How much wiser and more meaningful.

Most of the boys I knew were dying to get out of school so they could get a job.  The girls wanted to get married and raise a family.  The thought of college never even entered our minds.  The only exception were   the kids who come from families that had money, had been to college and had just naturally planned on their kids going to college too.

The thing most girls in my category saw the ads in the newspaper for Hope Chests......Ah, to have a beautiful cedar chest to put all our things we made for the home we hoped to have.  We had a sewing group and we crocheted doilies, embroidered  dish towels with days of the week on them. (must have a new dist towel every day you know), bought pillow case tubing and ironed on designs to embroider.   

I got my cedar chest and all I could think about was how my house would look, etc.   College never once entered my mind.

Twenty years later my husband and I went to college, but that's another story.  All I can say is kudos to the kids of today.  I wish them success in their lives and in following their dreams.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another.



Friday, June 1, 2012


Yesterday was Walt Whitman's Birthday.  I love his  Leaves of Grass.  My favorite poem in that book is A Child went "Forth.  In the poem he describes all the things that a child encounters during a cay and how those things all become a part of him.

It always takes me back to when I taught Kindergarten.  Each thing those kids did each day became part of them.  In fact, when you stop to think about it, everything that we come in contact each day also becomes a part of us.  The way we thin,k the way we react to scents and sounds, etc. 

A few years ago,I took a class in creative writing with a group of kids that had just graduated from high school.  I wasn't sure how they would react to an older woman in their class, but not to worry.  We had a blast and I really enjoyed it.  Our instructor asked us to pick one of our favorite poets and write a poem using his or her style.  I would like to share the poem I wrote using A child went Forth  as the style I chose.

    An old woman went out every day
and each thing she saw, that  thing she became,
and that thing became part of her for the day
              or a certain part of
  the day or for many years, or styretching' \
                cycles of years.
    The misting pond b became a part
              of this woman,
and ducks, and brown and orange lilies, and

           brown and
   orange leaves, and the whistle of
          the meadow lark,
and the eight-month corn, and the tomatoes'
         red shining skins,
  and the green-bean vines, and the
           verdant cukes
and the abundant harvest of the field, or in the
           kitchen garden.
   And the ants, trudging slowly
       through there, and
      the rich, moist earth,
and the wiggling worms with their long, thin
        forms all became a part of her.

The school books of ninth-month and tenth
              month became a part of her.
             Osmiroid-lettering pens, and
                   black ink and the
parchment paper in profusion, and the paint
         post filled with color and the
               pictures afterward.
And note-books, and the simplest pencils in
                 their box,
      and the young girl of aubergine-hair
                 and rose tattoo,
drawing pictures on the chalk board, and the
      boy that swaggered past on
         his way to the library,
  and the happy girls that past
        and the lonely girls,
and the tall word-wise professor, and the
   colorful art instructor, and the new
   attitude in both school and public
          wherever she went.
This became a part of that old woman who
           went out every day, and who
          now becomes, and will always
              become every day.
                 Thanks Walt

So, until next time
Be Kind to One-Another


Monday, May 28, 2012


Well, the month of May is almost over and it has been an unusual  month. Starting with the 10th .  Dick died 33 years ago on this date.  I can't believe I  have been alone so long.

Next came Mother's day, which was wonderful.  Love my family.

Then for two days of hell, we had thunderstorms which drove my little Annie out of her mind.  The first night,she  ran around like she was crazy and then she quieted down.  I assumed she went in to her bed and I was glad she was ok.  I watched a couple of hours of TV, then came in and checked out the computer for a while.  Finally I called her to take her out.  No Annie.  I searched the house.  No Annie.  I was really getting worried wondering what had become of my little scared baby.  I went in the bathroom, and noticed  the shower curtain was open a little and as I went to pull it closed there, curled up in a little ball, shaking like an earthquake, sat my  little girl.  She has never been able to get in the tub and how she got there I will never know.  PS.  Next night same story.  ??????How?

And now, May is almost over.  It is Memorial Day and I physically don't feel like going to the cemetery.  This is a first for me, but I am sure Dick and my Mother will understand.  My son is going out to pay his respects and will explain that I am getting old and feeble, but my thoughts and prayers are with them. 

I can't believe how cold it is.  Maybe June will bring nicer weather and a little more sunshine.  I don't like hot weather, but I wouldn't mind having it a little warmer and sunnier.  Not complaining, however.  I still think we have the best weather in the country.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


Thursday, May 17, 2012


.I am so confused since all the changes that have been made.  I have been trying to start a new blog for the last twenty minutes and I can't get one started.  It used top be so simple.  The help items don't help.  They show how to do it, but I can't find the screen they show.  I have gone to so many blogger choices that I am ready to throw third computer through a window.  Phew....let me take a breath.

The reason I wanted to start a new blog is that this one really doesn't do what the tittle suggests.  What does an old lady do day by day?  I don't think you really want to know.  I could talk about all my aches and pains.  The physical things that are wrong with me.  Not much else of interest.  I haven't been doing that.  I have been jotting down things that just happen to be of interest to me at the moment.  So....I thought why not start a new blog called JOYCE"S JOTS.  So much for that.  If I ever figure out how to start a new blog, I will do so.l

Hope you all had a great mother's day.  My son took me out for a fantastic lunch, My daughter=in law brought over roses and my granddaughter, who lives in Utah, sent me a fantastic dozen roses with a wee box of chocolates included. 

I wanted three or four children, but I was only able to have one.  Well....I wouldn't trade him for a dozen other kids.  He is such a wonderful, loving son.  I couldn't  ask for more.

I have been going through stuff and loading up my car trunk with stuff of the Goodwill.  I have tons of paper junk to go through and I want to get rid of a lot of stuff I save that I will never do anything with.  Once I get that done I can start painting and writing again. 

It is late and I am not thinking of any great words of wisdom other than,.........

Be Kind to One Another


Saturday, April 28, 2012


 Poetry Month is almost over and I have only posted two of my poems at the beginning of the month.  Where did April go?  Anyway, I ran across a sweet little poem the other day and I thought you might enjoy it.                                               

                  Tucking-in Song

Down the narrow hall she came,
             a symphony
            of jingle bells
              as tiny
       silver charms
             on her arm
and haunting notes
       of tinkling tin
      played music on
  her perfumed skin....

When mama came to tuck me in.
       Rebecca Kei Dotlich


In the last couple of months I have read three very different books.  It is getting harder and harder to read as my magnifying glass is not strong enough.  Guess I am going to have to find a stronger one.

The first book, Darcie loaned me as we are both fans of Mave Benchy.  I think this is her latest one. Minding Frankie by Mave Benchy.  It is a story of a young man who is left with a baby he didn't even know was his.  We see how his friends and neighbors help him raise Frankie.  I really liked it, of course I always love Mave's books.

The second read is Miriam's Kitchen by Elizabeth Ehrlich.  I wasn't sure I was going to like this one at first.  Actually, I really enjoyed it, because I learned so much about Jewish traditions and reasons for some of their practices.  This is a true story and I liked to read just a chapter or two a night an think on what I had read for a while.  Elizabeth, who wasn't a practicing Jew, over time learned to accept more and more of her faith. She learned a lot from Mariam in her kitchen.  Ehrlich also included some recipes that I want to try.

The book I am just finishing today is Sarah by Marek Halter.  I love this type of story.  Since the Bible doesn't tell us the early years of Sarah and Abraham, Halter creates an interesting life for the young Sari and Abram.  It is a much faster read than Ehrlic's book.  I am really enjoying it.  It is the first book of a trilogy.  The other's are Zippora  and the third book is Lilah.s

Well, guess that's all for today,
Be Kind to One Another


Saturday, April 21, 2012

DO YOU EVER......?

Sometime when you sit daydreaming, do you ever think of someone and think of something special about them.?  Did you ever tell them? 

I was thinking about a friend of mine this morning.  She had raised two wonderful kids and has a great relationship with them.  To see her with her husband, you know they have a great marriage.  She sis  really wise, she is adorable, she does many nice things for people, she is active at church and she sings the liturgy with the voice of an angel.

I have always admired this special lady, often    hat a cutie pie she is and , have received joy to hear her voice in church.
Have I ever told her?  NO.  Why?  I guess we think things about people and assume they automatically know how great they are.

Consider how good you feel when someone give you a complement.  It may  only be a small thing, but it makes you feel better all day to know someone sees that aspect of you.  I think we need to start telling people how we feel , rather it is just, You are looking good today, to That was a wonderful thing you did for .........! /We get enough negative comments in our life.  No one minds telling us if we look haggard, if we spelled a word wrong, or if we made some kind of mistake.  Let's change that and start sending out good vibe instead. 

I think we need to start looking for the good things in people and letting them know.  What do you think?

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


Monday, April 9, 2012


First time I have been sick in a long time.  Also the first time I have missed church on Easter for as long as I can remember. .  I don't know what is wrong with me, I think I might be trying to come down with the flu, but I am fighting it like mad.  My daughter-in-law, bless her heart, sent me a big bowl of chicken soup on Saturday and for Easter, brought me a roast beef dinner.  I so appreciate her thoughtfulness.

Today is a rather l"looking back time" for me.  Sixty four years ago in a little Lutheran Church in Ogden Utah, Dick and I were married.  It was the beginning of the most fantastic life.  In the thirty one years he was alive I learned what true love really meant.  He was the most considerate person I have ever known.  He was an encourager,big time. .  He was fun, funny, romantic and the closest thing to a perfect person I know.  We didn't always agree on things, but we had enough sense to sort things out and we never went to bed without sayi8n I love you.  I thank God for putting him in my life. 

It was a strange story.  A fellow from my church said his cousin, who was in the Navy, was coming to town and he wanted me to have a date with him.  My reply was, "I wouldn't be caught dead with a sailor." (In those days, sailors had an awful reputation, maybe they still do, I don"t know.)  Well, he finally talked me into it and we spent a boring evening visiting his aunt & uncle.  Women in the kitchen and men in the living room.  He walked me home after we left and I tripped and fell in one of our very deep gutters,. (He always told people he pulled me out of the gutter.)_Ha, ha.

Since my knee was bleeding, we stopped at a Church and sat on the steps to talk.  I hated men, (I had an abusive first marriage) and he hated women, (his wife lived with every guy on the base while he was over seas.  By the time we finished talking we found that we agreed on so many things and also wanted the same things out of marriage.  We decided we were going to get married and made a date to meet for lunch the next day to make our plans.

When I met him he asked if I still wanted to get married.  I said yes, and he said me too, but you know, I cant remember your name.  I laughed, because I couldn't remember his name either .  (you are probably thinking just like my mother die, Out of the Frying Pan & into the fire. He wanted me to come to Albany.Oregon to meet his parents.  I said no, I would stay her and get ready to move.  He was stationed in Memphis, Tennessee. 

He came back two weeks later, we got married and left the next morning for Memphis, and so began the greatest story ever told.  I had a five year old son and Dick was the most wonderful father a child could have.  I'm sure my parents didn't think it would work out and for a time they were rather cold to him.  Over time, they adored him and appreciated the kind of man he was.

Hope I didn't bore you, but since it would have been our anniversary today, I have just had a lot of happy memories.

By the way, I would never recommend any young couple did what we did.  We were just lucky.  Quite often this kind of marriage would be a flop.

Until nest time
Be kind to one another


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I always think of my writing classes when April comes around.  The instructor always had us read poetry, write poetry and discuss poetic forms.  For that reason I thought I would post a poem or two that I have written.

Easter Dance

Across organ pedals,
glossy patent leather
taps staccato.  Tap, slide,
tap slide.
Toccata's rapid runs
lift rhythms
to joyful exultation.
Feet form designs
of Trinity
in the awesome
dance of God.

Mama's Kitchen

Fresh aromas of
perking coffee. 
Fels Naphtha soap
and the ever present scent
of fresh-baked bread.

Sun glittered on
trinity of glass shelves
in the window,
filled with miniature cacti:
Old Man, Bishop's Cap,
Hen and Chicken, Snake Plant.
Mama named each one.

Two ovens,
one in a silvery-black
coal stove that heated house
]and cold feet in winter0
but left pies sunk in the middle.
The other in a new, sparkling white
electric stove that baked things right.

Grandma with her white bun
on top of her head,
a pink apron tied around
her chubby belly
often popped in
for a cup of green tea to see
if she was missing anything.

Just simple little poems  but a lot of fun writing them.  Memories are great for finding poems.  Hope you will all sit down and write one or two.  Start a little book of them, just for you.  Later in life you can look back and review a lot of memories.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Today is Palm Sunday.  It is also April Fools Day.  However, I am going to discuss the headlines in today's Columbia which read TALES FROM A TWISTER.  There were pictures of the devastation, articles and memories too.  Then they asked readers to submit any memories they might have of that day.  I don't feel my memories are of i9nterest to most people, but I thought I would share them with you.

April 5, 1972 started out like any other day.  Breakfast, bath, chores.  Then I went downtown to shop.  After lunch at Joe Brown's cafe I started up Fourth Plain, on my way to buy a few groceries at Waremart and then home.  As I stopped for a red light I realized that just a block off Fourth Plain was a grocery store.  If I stopped there it would save a little time.  What made me do this is amazing.  I had never been to that store.....It was just a sudden decision.

After leaving the store, I headed up Fourth Plain again on my way home.  Barney, my German Shepherd was very nervous when I arrived paced and just acted funny.  A few3 minutes later I heard a big blast of wind and looked out the window.  A HUGE ball of debris was flying past my window and I thought, boy, if we lived in the South I'd swear we were having a tornado.  I didn't know what it was so I turned on the radio.  Nothing but soft music.  Finally I turned it on our local station.

The reports were shocking.  People were killed in Waremart where I would have been at that very time.  Peter S. Ogden School was demolished.  My friend Kathy Cusack taught school there.  Suddenly I heard sirens, which screamed for hours (all afternoon and most of the night).  I called my husband, who was working at Good Samaritan Hospital.  Portland had no idea the devastation that was going on just across the river.

My friend who was just going to come down Andresen hill said she looked and thought a bomb had dropped on the city.  The streets were blocked so people couldn't get to there homes, wires were down.  It was one big mess

The thing I remember most was that God was certainly with me on that day.  Why didn't I go to my regular store?  Why did the storm pass right in front of my house and not do one bit of damage to it?  It rally made me feel cared for at a very dangerous time.

My friend Kathy went to my church.  On Sunday, she told the congregation what it was like when the wind hit her school.  And she said, maybe you can't pray in school, but when I got my kids out of there we prayed. 

Seven people died in that storm, Waremart, the school and the bowling alley were destroyed and many homes had damage to them.  It is now 40 years later and I remember that day as if it were yesterday.

Until next time
Be Kind to One Another


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


On Monday's show Live with Kelly , Kelly Ripa interviewed Kate Winslet.  Kate has a new book out called The Golden Hat.  I really don't need any more books right now, but this is one I have to get.  It shounds so wonderful that I will let you know what I think of it afgter I read it.

It is based on a true story of a little autistic boy who also can't talk.  I'm not sure how old the boy was when the Dr. told the parents  the child only had the mentality of a two year old and should be put in an institution.  The parents worked on many projects to try to help him and finally found a way he could communicate on a computer.  (I am probably getting this messed up[, but I am giving the best I know until I read it.)  Asking the child, "If you could say one thing, what would you say?" the boy replied, "I am real."

Winslet was cleaning out her closet and came across an old hat and she had the idea to call it a magic hat.  In the hat you could could answer the question, what would you say if you could say one thing?  I'm assuming that her book is some of the answers she received.

At the same time, the little autistic boy wrote a poem called The Golden Hat.  I am not sure how Winslet combined the two hat ideas, but I can't wait to read it.

If you could only say one thing, what would you say?  I have thought of a number of things I might say and it is difficult to give an answer.  It would probably be, "Thank you God for life, the wonders you have created and the fact that I was placed on this earth to enjoy it and try to make it a better place."

Imagine that boy who wanted people to know he was real, not retarded, just unable to talk. 

Enough for tonight,

Until next time,
Be knd to one another.


Monday, March 19, 2012


I really don't have any special thing in mind today, but I feel I have been overlooking my writing so thought I would just ramble a bit.

First thing on my agenda is bullying.  I can't believe people, especially young people, are so unhappy with themselves that they have to be unkind to others.  The suicides bring tears to my eyes, both for the child who leaves the world and their parents and friends who have to suffer their loss. 

What has led these kids to such drastic behavior?  Is it the parent;s fault for not encouraging positive input toward their image?  Is it the schools fault for not showing kids the results of bullying?  It is a cinch that they were not born disliking other people.  What has encouraged it as they get older?  Lots of questions and seemingly not many productive answers.  I pray for people young and old to find love and encouraging behavior to help solve this drastic blot on society.

Next, I need to find someone qualified to take out my bathtub and install a nice shower.  I am having trouble getting in and out of my tub these days. (one of the negative  aspects of old age.)  However, don't let that discourage you.  I still enjoy my age more than ever.  What joy I get from all my friends and family.

I any of you know someone that does this kind of work, I would appreciate knowing how I can get in touch with them..

My printer is on the blink and I didn't realize how much stuff I printed until I am unable to. I have a feeling I may have to buy a new one, hope not! No wonder I go through so much ink.

Well, Keep a smile on your face
A dollar in your pocket,
and sweet memory to carry you through the day.

Until next time
Be kind to one another.


Friday, March 9, 2012


 It's a small world.  I have sleep apnea and I have to purchase parts for my machine every so often.  The young lady that worked there said she would like to be a friend on face book.  Now a year later I noticed on her FB the Name of Leor. 

When I taught Kindergarten over twenty years ago I had a darling little girl in my class named Leor.  So I asked Brandy (the CPAP girl) to see if her Leor might be my little girl.  Sure enough, today I got a message from Leor saying she loved it.  How is that for love over the years?  I wasn't even sure she would remember me.

It makes me happy to reunite with people I have loved and known in my past.(almost 100 high school students have become my friends.)  I have gone to lunch with some of them, movies, etc.  I feel so blessed to have so many happy memories of these kids and now to meet them as adults. 

Don't have much new in the creative department today.  Got another shot in my eye last week. I think my eyesight is getting a little better, however the DR. says these shots won't make my sight any better they will just keep it from getting worse.

I have to learn how to post pictures on my blog, because I have a crafty thing I want to do with chairs.  I have the photos ready, just don't know how to post them.

Going to dinner tonight at Craig & Marlene's (son & wife).  Her kids from Arizona will be there and I will get to see the darling baby Lola.  She is adorable.

Will close for today
Be kind to One Another


Sunday, March 4, 2012

So What's New?

What is new day by day in my life?  Well, in the past couple of weeks I have gone out to lunch, once with a friend from church, once with a girl I taught 40 years ago and finally with my son.  (No wonder I have weight problems:)) 

Wendsday I had another shot in my eye.  The Dr. said my eyes looked good.  Of course my eyes won't get better, but these shots are to keep them from gettingt any worse.  It is a miracle what the medical world can do now.  When I was young this would never have taken place.  I am so lucky to be living in thisd day and age.

Missed church this morning as I overslept.  Glad God understands.  Janie and I are going to go next week if she can wake me up in time.  I have to have someone call me as I don't wake up on my own.  Pastor says his sermons are on the Internet, but so far I haven't been able to find them. 

Recently I received an email with a prayer on it.  I am going to post it here as I think it is,a good one.  It is said to be a prayer of St. Teresa.  Maria Shiver mentioned it in her speech at Tom Russet's funeral. 

Today may there be peace within.  may you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite  possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.  May you be content with yourself just the way you are.  Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow yourself the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of us.

Well, guess it is time to go make another loaf of banana bread.  The poor bananas are black, hope they will still be good.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another


Monday, February 27, 2012

Hopping etc.

It is interesting that I find out new things about myself day by day.  A while back I was sitting in church when the Pastor had his children's sermon.  He was trying to explain what it meant to follow Jesus.  He had the kids stand up to play Simon says.  He asked a couple of adults to join them.  Since I was near the front, I went up and we of course went through all the things that one does when he follows Simon.  Finally the pastor said, "Let's all hop on one foot."  I went to hop and what to my amazement, I couldn't hop.  I had not idea that I couldn't.  Actually, I really have no reason to hop, but I just couldn't believe I was unable to do such a simple thing.

I think this may be one of the reasons I write this blog.  One thing for sure, we all lose some of our abilities to do certain things as we age.  Is this the end of the world?  It reminds me of the old saying, "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."  Guess I can say, "I found that I could not hop until I met a man who had no legs."  There is always something to be thankful for so hopping is the least of my concerns.

This reminds me of the quote I posted the other day by Anne Frank.  "I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."  Yes, there is beauty in the smile of a little child, the first spring flower that pokes its little head up from the damp soil. There is beauty when some one  gives you an honest hug, or a kind word that encourages you. 

And joy.  You might get old, but their is a lot of joy in loving your pet.  My little Annie loves to be brushed, kissed and played with.  What joy. Music also gives me joy.  Brings back happy memories from any time of my life.  Receiving a letter, a card or a call from friends and loved  ones always brings joy.  And when someone says "I love you," what more can you ask for?

Well, I am going to make chicken and dumplings for dinner, so guess I'd better "HOP" to it.

until next time
Be Kind to One Another


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm sure some of you will say not me, but I think most people when they get as old as I am think about death.  Naturally, we all know we are going to die some day and if we are young we think that is in a far off time.  But I think it is only natural to think about the time you have left when you get old.

I am ready to die, just not in a big hurry.  There are so many things I want to do and I think it at this time we become more aware of each day.  When you tell a young person to live each day as if it were their last, they probably just think you are an old foggy.  But since you don';t know when that day is coming, I say do the things you want to do whi9le you still can.

Probably the one thing that concerns us most about death is how we will die.  I think we would all like to die like my friend Linda did.  She came home from Bible Study, said she was going to take a nap and she never woke up.  However God plans to bring us home, we are all going some day, so live while you can.

I guess the reason I am thinking about death is that in the last month there have been three large articles in the newspaper about Cemetery's.  Today's article was about enlarging a cemetery.  The other day it discussed two cemetery's that were side by side.  I forget what the other one was about, but it not only got me thinking about death, but also about cemetery's.

Two things that are good to do.   1).  You can do a huge genealogy study there.  Make a rubbing off the headstone, it is a positive proof of a relative. 2.) Speaking of rubbings, this can be great fun.  In the days when most graves had headstones instead of markers buried in the ground, many beautiful pieces of art exist.  Many headstones had raised designs that one could do a rubbing from and frame.  Also, many interesting comments are on some of these old relics.

It could be a great project for an afternoon with your kids.  The Internet is loaded with directions on how to do rubbings, materials needed, and the best way to preserve them.

OK, I have had my little death and cemetery splurge for the day, guess I had better get busy and live today while I have it.l

Until next time,
Be kind to One Another


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The other day I posted a you tube video of people making the sounds of rain and thunder with their body.  Not one person said they liked it or made a comment about it.  I was curious if anyone even watched it.  I know it has been around for a while, but I think it is worth watching again.  If you saw it, didn't you like it?  if you did like it I would be interested to know it.

Personally, I thought it was super.  How could anyone get that many people together to create such perfect sounds that I shivered from the cold of the rain and could almost smell the scent of dry earth getting a drink of water.  I wondered how it could be synchronized so perfectly.

In doing a little research I found that it is rather a common occurrence and that many kids have participated in doing this very thing in school.  It seems that this procedure is often used to help people think in unison.  It was suggested in the article4 that I read that  it is a good "game" to play with kids when starting a project on the environment..  If any of you are interested in trying this with a group, go on Internet and get the article called How to Make Rain Sounds by Snapping  by John Jackman.

I wondered how the conductor could get everyone snapping their fingers in unison, but it seems that it is actually better if they are not in time with one another. The leader just needs to direct some of the people to stop as the rain settles down.

I could listen to this every day.  For some reason it reminds me of back home.  We had some terrific rain storm es and I remember going out on our front porch and watching the rain.  I loved it.

Until nest time,
Be kind to one another.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ho Hum

This has been a ho hum sort of week so far.  Not doing anything earth shaking to report.

Sunday was a good day.  Janie came over from Gresham and took me to church.  Very interesting.  The pastor referred to my mantra from Godspel, word for word.  I wonder if God is trying to tell me something?  After church we went over to McGraff's and had one of their shrimp cocktails.  Yummy.  They make fantastic ones.

Then in the evening I took my son and his wife out to Black Angus to celebrate both of their birthdays.  We all had steaks that were soooooooooooo good.  Had a nice visit with them.
Haven';t done much else to speak of the rest of the week.  Baked another loaf of banana bread, did laundry, did a little cleaning and watched too much TV.

I need to start painting and writing.  I haven't done any of either lately.  Have been reading.  The book I am on now, Marion's Kitchen, is kinda boring and yet I am unable to quit reading it.  It is a true account of a Jewish girl who is learning all the Jewish rules from her mother-in-law.  She includes recipes etc.  I like it enough to finish reading it.

I am also hooked on the food channel's show Chopped.  it is amazing how the chefs are able to take all kinds of weird things and make delicious food from them.

Seems like I am rambling so will say good bye until next time.

Be Kind to One Another


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yum. Peanut Butter Cups.

I have a recipe for peanut butter cups that I think is better then Reese's.  I am making some today for a gift.  I may  keep some for myself even though I don't need an ounce more fat.  I thought you might like the recipe so am sending it with love and hope yu enjoy it.

Peanut Butter Cups

Mix together  well:
2 cups graham crackers rolled fine
1 cup peanut butter - softened
1 cup butter - softened
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Press well mixed mixture into 9"x12"  pan

Melt 2 large Hershey bars and pour  over top.
Cut before chocolate hardens.

If you try it, let me know what you think of it.

Saturday is not a very busy day today.  Even though I can drive a few blocks in my neighborhood, my car battery is dead as a door nail so I'm stuck.  I dropped triple A because I am not doing much driving, but wish I had it at the moment.  Craig is working so I will have to wait until he has a day off to get the old tin Lizzy going again.

Need to get a little paper organizing going so will sign off until later.

Till next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


Monday, February 6, 2012

What it means to me.

Welcome to my new blog.

When I was young I often saw old people and wondered what on earth they could do day by day.  Most of them used canes.  Many were either using walkers or in wheelchairs.  Wow.  I sure didn't want to be old and do nothing.  Now I am old, 86, and I don't think I am that stereotyped old person I saw.

Basically I just want to write how I spend my days, rather it is painting, doing craft work, going to Good Will or local second hand stores.  If I go to church and what that means to me.  How I socialize.  If you are old, or hope you make it to old age, you may get some ideas from what I say.

For example, right now I can smell the banana bread I have baking.  I make it quite often as I can't use up my fruit fast enough.  On top of that, I love it.  Yum.  A slice of heaven and a good hot cup of coffee. 

The one  thing that has changed a lot in my old age.  I don't keep up my housework like I did when I was younger.  In the first place it is too difficult for me.  Secondly, I have so many fun things I want to do I can't see wasting my time cleaning house when I can be junking or painting etc.

I have decided to use a Mantra for the rest of my life.    When I thought of the title of my blog I was only thinking of what I do day by day, but then I thought of Godspell and the song Day by Day.  I love the words and they certainly apply to  how I hope to live the rest of my life.  They are:\

Day by day,
Day by day,
Oh dear Lord
three things I pray.
To see Thee More clearly,
Love Thee more dearly,
Follow the more nearly,
 Day by day,
Day by day.

So until next time,
By Kind to One Another
