Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Started the week off with six xrays of my neck and four of my hand.  The Dr. informs me that me that the arthritis in my neck is very bad.  That in my hand not as bad as the neck.  As much pain as I am in, I'm thankful it isn't anything worse.

Today my house looks like a tornado has hit it and the demons from hell are making all the noise they can.  Why, you may ask.  Because, I am getting a walk-in-tub installed.  I have debated about it for the last year, but finally decided that even though I hate to spend the money, it has become a necessity.  It will be finished by tomorrow night.  What a tub.  It does everything but standing and singing the National Anthem.  Can't wait to try it. 

Well, the sun is shining, a slight breeze is swaying the branches outside my window, and the noise from the bathroom convinces me that I should go out on the patio and read.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.

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