Monday, March 19, 2012


I really don't have any special thing in mind today, but I feel I have been overlooking my writing so thought I would just ramble a bit.

First thing on my agenda is bullying.  I can't believe people, especially young people, are so unhappy with themselves that they have to be unkind to others.  The suicides bring tears to my eyes, both for the child who leaves the world and their parents and friends who have to suffer their loss. 

What has led these kids to such drastic behavior?  Is it the parent;s fault for not encouraging positive input toward their image?  Is it the schools fault for not showing kids the results of bullying?  It is a cinch that they were not born disliking other people.  What has encouraged it as they get older?  Lots of questions and seemingly not many productive answers.  I pray for people young and old to find love and encouraging behavior to help solve this drastic blot on society.

Next, I need to find someone qualified to take out my bathtub and install a nice shower.  I am having trouble getting in and out of my tub these days. (one of the negative  aspects of old age.)  However, don't let that discourage you.  I still enjoy my age more than ever.  What joy I get from all my friends and family.

I any of you know someone that does this kind of work, I would appreciate knowing how I can get in touch with them..

My printer is on the blink and I didn't realize how much stuff I printed until I am unable to. I have a feeling I may have to buy a new one, hope not! No wonder I go through so much ink.

Well, Keep a smile on your face
A dollar in your pocket,
and sweet memory to carry you through the day.

Until next time
Be kind to one another.


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