Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I always think of my writing classes when April comes around.  The instructor always had us read poetry, write poetry and discuss poetic forms.  For that reason I thought I would post a poem or two that I have written.

Easter Dance

Across organ pedals,
glossy patent leather
taps staccato.  Tap, slide,
tap slide.
Toccata's rapid runs
lift rhythms
to joyful exultation.
Feet form designs
of Trinity
in the awesome
dance of God.

Mama's Kitchen

Fresh aromas of
perking coffee. 
Fels Naphtha soap
and the ever present scent
of fresh-baked bread.

Sun glittered on
trinity of glass shelves
in the window,
filled with miniature cacti:
Old Man, Bishop's Cap,
Hen and Chicken, Snake Plant.
Mama named each one.

Two ovens,
one in a silvery-black
coal stove that heated house
]and cold feet in winter0
but left pies sunk in the middle.
The other in a new, sparkling white
electric stove that baked things right.

Grandma with her white bun
on top of her head,
a pink apron tied around
her chubby belly
often popped in
for a cup of green tea to see
if she was missing anything.

Just simple little poems  but a lot of fun writing them.  Memories are great for finding poems.  Hope you will all sit down and write one or two.  Start a little book of them, just for you.  Later in life you can look back and review a lot of memories.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another


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