.I am so confused since all the changes that have been made. I have been trying to start a new blog for the last twenty minutes and I can't get one started. It used top be so simple. The help items don't help. They show how to do it, but I can't find the screen they show. I have gone to so many blogger choices that I am ready to throw third computer through a window. Phew....let me take a breath.
The reason I wanted to start a new blog is that this one really doesn't do what the tittle suggests. What does an old lady do day by day? I don't think you really want to know. I could talk about all my aches and pains. The physical things that are wrong with me. Not much else of interest. I haven't been doing that. I have been jotting down things that just happen to be of interest to me at the moment. So....I thought why not start a new blog called JOYCE"S JOTS. So much for that. If I ever figure out how to start a new blog, I will do so.l
Hope you all had a great mother's day. My son took me out for a fantastic lunch, My daughter=in law brought over roses and my granddaughter, who lives in Utah, sent me a fantastic dozen roses with a wee box of chocolates included.
I wanted three or four children, but I was only able to have one. Well....I wouldn't trade him for a dozen other kids. He is such a wonderful, loving son. I couldn't ask for more.
I have been going through stuff and loading up my car trunk with stuff of the Goodwill. I have tons of paper junk to go through and I want to get rid of a lot of stuff I save that I will never do anything with. Once I get that done I can start painting and writing again.
It is late and I am not thinking of any great words of wisdom other than,.........
Be Kind to One Another
I like your new blog name, Joyce's Jots. I signed up to follow your blog. I had done so before, but I had trouble posting comments, so we'll see how this one works. I enjoy reading your posts. ♥