Monday, February 27, 2012

Hopping etc.

It is interesting that I find out new things about myself day by day.  A while back I was sitting in church when the Pastor had his children's sermon.  He was trying to explain what it meant to follow Jesus.  He had the kids stand up to play Simon says.  He asked a couple of adults to join them.  Since I was near the front, I went up and we of course went through all the things that one does when he follows Simon.  Finally the pastor said, "Let's all hop on one foot."  I went to hop and what to my amazement, I couldn't hop.  I had not idea that I couldn't.  Actually, I really have no reason to hop, but I just couldn't believe I was unable to do such a simple thing.

I think this may be one of the reasons I write this blog.  One thing for sure, we all lose some of our abilities to do certain things as we age.  Is this the end of the world?  It reminds me of the old saying, "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."  Guess I can say, "I found that I could not hop until I met a man who had no legs."  There is always something to be thankful for so hopping is the least of my concerns.

This reminds me of the quote I posted the other day by Anne Frank.  "I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."  Yes, there is beauty in the smile of a little child, the first spring flower that pokes its little head up from the damp soil. There is beauty when some one  gives you an honest hug, or a kind word that encourages you. 

And joy.  You might get old, but their is a lot of joy in loving your pet.  My little Annie loves to be brushed, kissed and played with.  What joy. Music also gives me joy.  Brings back happy memories from any time of my life.  Receiving a letter, a card or a call from friends and loved  ones always brings joy.  And when someone says "I love you," what more can you ask for?

Well, I am going to make chicken and dumplings for dinner, so guess I'd better "HOP" to it.

until next time
Be Kind to One Another


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