Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ho Hum

This has been a ho hum sort of week so far.  Not doing anything earth shaking to report.

Sunday was a good day.  Janie came over from Gresham and took me to church.  Very interesting.  The pastor referred to my mantra from Godspel, word for word.  I wonder if God is trying to tell me something?  After church we went over to McGraff's and had one of their shrimp cocktails.  Yummy.  They make fantastic ones.

Then in the evening I took my son and his wife out to Black Angus to celebrate both of their birthdays.  We all had steaks that were soooooooooooo good.  Had a nice visit with them.
Haven';t done much else to speak of the rest of the week.  Baked another loaf of banana bread, did laundry, did a little cleaning and watched too much TV.

I need to start painting and writing.  I haven't done any of either lately.  Have been reading.  The book I am on now, Marion's Kitchen, is kinda boring and yet I am unable to quit reading it.  It is a true account of a Jewish girl who is learning all the Jewish rules from her mother-in-law.  She includes recipes etc.  I like it enough to finish reading it.

I am also hooked on the food channel's show Chopped.  it is amazing how the chefs are able to take all kinds of weird things and make delicious food from them.

Seems like I am rambling so will say good bye until next time.

Be Kind to One Another


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