Monday, February 27, 2012

Hopping etc.

It is interesting that I find out new things about myself day by day.  A while back I was sitting in church when the Pastor had his children's sermon.  He was trying to explain what it meant to follow Jesus.  He had the kids stand up to play Simon says.  He asked a couple of adults to join them.  Since I was near the front, I went up and we of course went through all the things that one does when he follows Simon.  Finally the pastor said, "Let's all hop on one foot."  I went to hop and what to my amazement, I couldn't hop.  I had not idea that I couldn't.  Actually, I really have no reason to hop, but I just couldn't believe I was unable to do such a simple thing.

I think this may be one of the reasons I write this blog.  One thing for sure, we all lose some of our abilities to do certain things as we age.  Is this the end of the world?  It reminds me of the old saying, "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."  Guess I can say, "I found that I could not hop until I met a man who had no legs."  There is always something to be thankful for so hopping is the least of my concerns.

This reminds me of the quote I posted the other day by Anne Frank.  "I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."  Yes, there is beauty in the smile of a little child, the first spring flower that pokes its little head up from the damp soil. There is beauty when some one  gives you an honest hug, or a kind word that encourages you. 

And joy.  You might get old, but their is a lot of joy in loving your pet.  My little Annie loves to be brushed, kissed and played with.  What joy. Music also gives me joy.  Brings back happy memories from any time of my life.  Receiving a letter, a card or a call from friends and loved  ones always brings joy.  And when someone says "I love you," what more can you ask for?

Well, I am going to make chicken and dumplings for dinner, so guess I'd better "HOP" to it.

until next time
Be Kind to One Another


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm sure some of you will say not me, but I think most people when they get as old as I am think about death.  Naturally, we all know we are going to die some day and if we are young we think that is in a far off time.  But I think it is only natural to think about the time you have left when you get old.

I am ready to die, just not in a big hurry.  There are so many things I want to do and I think it at this time we become more aware of each day.  When you tell a young person to live each day as if it were their last, they probably just think you are an old foggy.  But since you don';t know when that day is coming, I say do the things you want to do whi9le you still can.

Probably the one thing that concerns us most about death is how we will die.  I think we would all like to die like my friend Linda did.  She came home from Bible Study, said she was going to take a nap and she never woke up.  However God plans to bring us home, we are all going some day, so live while you can.

I guess the reason I am thinking about death is that in the last month there have been three large articles in the newspaper about Cemetery's.  Today's article was about enlarging a cemetery.  The other day it discussed two cemetery's that were side by side.  I forget what the other one was about, but it not only got me thinking about death, but also about cemetery's.

Two things that are good to do.   1).  You can do a huge genealogy study there.  Make a rubbing off the headstone, it is a positive proof of a relative. 2.) Speaking of rubbings, this can be great fun.  In the days when most graves had headstones instead of markers buried in the ground, many beautiful pieces of art exist.  Many headstones had raised designs that one could do a rubbing from and frame.  Also, many interesting comments are on some of these old relics.

It could be a great project for an afternoon with your kids.  The Internet is loaded with directions on how to do rubbings, materials needed, and the best way to preserve them.

OK, I have had my little death and cemetery splurge for the day, guess I had better get busy and live today while I have it.l

Until next time,
Be kind to One Another


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The other day I posted a you tube video of people making the sounds of rain and thunder with their body.  Not one person said they liked it or made a comment about it.  I was curious if anyone even watched it.  I know it has been around for a while, but I think it is worth watching again.  If you saw it, didn't you like it?  if you did like it I would be interested to know it.

Personally, I thought it was super.  How could anyone get that many people together to create such perfect sounds that I shivered from the cold of the rain and could almost smell the scent of dry earth getting a drink of water.  I wondered how it could be synchronized so perfectly.

In doing a little research I found that it is rather a common occurrence and that many kids have participated in doing this very thing in school.  It seems that this procedure is often used to help people think in unison.  It was suggested in the article4 that I read that  it is a good "game" to play with kids when starting a project on the environment..  If any of you are interested in trying this with a group, go on Internet and get the article called How to Make Rain Sounds by Snapping  by John Jackman.

I wondered how the conductor could get everyone snapping their fingers in unison, but it seems that it is actually better if they are not in time with one another. The leader just needs to direct some of the people to stop as the rain settles down.

I could listen to this every day.  For some reason it reminds me of back home.  We had some terrific rain storm es and I remember going out on our front porch and watching the rain.  I loved it.

Until nest time,
Be kind to one another.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ho Hum

This has been a ho hum sort of week so far.  Not doing anything earth shaking to report.

Sunday was a good day.  Janie came over from Gresham and took me to church.  Very interesting.  The pastor referred to my mantra from Godspel, word for word.  I wonder if God is trying to tell me something?  After church we went over to McGraff's and had one of their shrimp cocktails.  Yummy.  They make fantastic ones.

Then in the evening I took my son and his wife out to Black Angus to celebrate both of their birthdays.  We all had steaks that were soooooooooooo good.  Had a nice visit with them.
Haven';t done much else to speak of the rest of the week.  Baked another loaf of banana bread, did laundry, did a little cleaning and watched too much TV.

I need to start painting and writing.  I haven't done any of either lately.  Have been reading.  The book I am on now, Marion's Kitchen, is kinda boring and yet I am unable to quit reading it.  It is a true account of a Jewish girl who is learning all the Jewish rules from her mother-in-law.  She includes recipes etc.  I like it enough to finish reading it.

I am also hooked on the food channel's show Chopped.  it is amazing how the chefs are able to take all kinds of weird things and make delicious food from them.

Seems like I am rambling so will say good bye until next time.

Be Kind to One Another


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yum. Peanut Butter Cups.

I have a recipe for peanut butter cups that I think is better then Reese's.  I am making some today for a gift.  I may  keep some for myself even though I don't need an ounce more fat.  I thought you might like the recipe so am sending it with love and hope yu enjoy it.

Peanut Butter Cups

Mix together  well:
2 cups graham crackers rolled fine
1 cup peanut butter - softened
1 cup butter - softened
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Press well mixed mixture into 9"x12"  pan

Melt 2 large Hershey bars and pour  over top.
Cut before chocolate hardens.

If you try it, let me know what you think of it.

Saturday is not a very busy day today.  Even though I can drive a few blocks in my neighborhood, my car battery is dead as a door nail so I'm stuck.  I dropped triple A because I am not doing much driving, but wish I had it at the moment.  Craig is working so I will have to wait until he has a day off to get the old tin Lizzy going again.

Need to get a little paper organizing going so will sign off until later.

Till next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


Monday, February 6, 2012

What it means to me.

Welcome to my new blog.

When I was young I often saw old people and wondered what on earth they could do day by day.  Most of them used canes.  Many were either using walkers or in wheelchairs.  Wow.  I sure didn't want to be old and do nothing.  Now I am old, 86, and I don't think I am that stereotyped old person I saw.

Basically I just want to write how I spend my days, rather it is painting, doing craft work, going to Good Will or local second hand stores.  If I go to church and what that means to me.  How I socialize.  If you are old, or hope you make it to old age, you may get some ideas from what I say.

For example, right now I can smell the banana bread I have baking.  I make it quite often as I can't use up my fruit fast enough.  On top of that, I love it.  Yum.  A slice of heaven and a good hot cup of coffee. 

The one  thing that has changed a lot in my old age.  I don't keep up my housework like I did when I was younger.  In the first place it is too difficult for me.  Secondly, I have so many fun things I want to do I can't see wasting my time cleaning house when I can be junking or painting etc.

I have decided to use a Mantra for the rest of my life.    When I thought of the title of my blog I was only thinking of what I do day by day, but then I thought of Godspell and the song Day by Day.  I love the words and they certainly apply to  how I hope to live the rest of my life.  They are:\

Day by day,
Day by day,
Oh dear Lord
three things I pray.
To see Thee More clearly,
Love Thee more dearly,
Follow the more nearly,
 Day by day,
Day by day.

So until next time,
By Kind to One Another
