Wednesday, March 28, 2012


On Monday's show Live with Kelly , Kelly Ripa interviewed Kate Winslet.  Kate has a new book out called The Golden Hat.  I really don't need any more books right now, but this is one I have to get.  It shounds so wonderful that I will let you know what I think of it afgter I read it.

It is based on a true story of a little autistic boy who also can't talk.  I'm not sure how old the boy was when the Dr. told the parents  the child only had the mentality of a two year old and should be put in an institution.  The parents worked on many projects to try to help him and finally found a way he could communicate on a computer.  (I am probably getting this messed up[, but I am giving the best I know until I read it.)  Asking the child, "If you could say one thing, what would you say?" the boy replied, "I am real."

Winslet was cleaning out her closet and came across an old hat and she had the idea to call it a magic hat.  In the hat you could could answer the question, what would you say if you could say one thing?  I'm assuming that her book is some of the answers she received.

At the same time, the little autistic boy wrote a poem called The Golden Hat.  I am not sure how Winslet combined the two hat ideas, but I can't wait to read it.

If you could only say one thing, what would you say?  I have thought of a number of things I might say and it is difficult to give an answer.  It would probably be, "Thank you God for life, the wonders you have created and the fact that I was placed on this earth to enjoy it and try to make it a better place."

Imagine that boy who wanted people to know he was real, not retarded, just unable to talk. 

Enough for tonight,

Until next time,
Be knd to one another.


Monday, March 19, 2012


I really don't have any special thing in mind today, but I feel I have been overlooking my writing so thought I would just ramble a bit.

First thing on my agenda is bullying.  I can't believe people, especially young people, are so unhappy with themselves that they have to be unkind to others.  The suicides bring tears to my eyes, both for the child who leaves the world and their parents and friends who have to suffer their loss. 

What has led these kids to such drastic behavior?  Is it the parent;s fault for not encouraging positive input toward their image?  Is it the schools fault for not showing kids the results of bullying?  It is a cinch that they were not born disliking other people.  What has encouraged it as they get older?  Lots of questions and seemingly not many productive answers.  I pray for people young and old to find love and encouraging behavior to help solve this drastic blot on society.

Next, I need to find someone qualified to take out my bathtub and install a nice shower.  I am having trouble getting in and out of my tub these days. (one of the negative  aspects of old age.)  However, don't let that discourage you.  I still enjoy my age more than ever.  What joy I get from all my friends and family.

I any of you know someone that does this kind of work, I would appreciate knowing how I can get in touch with them..

My printer is on the blink and I didn't realize how much stuff I printed until I am unable to. I have a feeling I may have to buy a new one, hope not! No wonder I go through so much ink.

Well, Keep a smile on your face
A dollar in your pocket,
and sweet memory to carry you through the day.

Until next time
Be kind to one another.


Friday, March 9, 2012


 It's a small world.  I have sleep apnea and I have to purchase parts for my machine every so often.  The young lady that worked there said she would like to be a friend on face book.  Now a year later I noticed on her FB the Name of Leor. 

When I taught Kindergarten over twenty years ago I had a darling little girl in my class named Leor.  So I asked Brandy (the CPAP girl) to see if her Leor might be my little girl.  Sure enough, today I got a message from Leor saying she loved it.  How is that for love over the years?  I wasn't even sure she would remember me.

It makes me happy to reunite with people I have loved and known in my past.(almost 100 high school students have become my friends.)  I have gone to lunch with some of them, movies, etc.  I feel so blessed to have so many happy memories of these kids and now to meet them as adults. 

Don't have much new in the creative department today.  Got another shot in my eye last week. I think my eyesight is getting a little better, however the DR. says these shots won't make my sight any better they will just keep it from getting worse.

I have to learn how to post pictures on my blog, because I have a crafty thing I want to do with chairs.  I have the photos ready, just don't know how to post them.

Going to dinner tonight at Craig & Marlene's (son & wife).  Her kids from Arizona will be there and I will get to see the darling baby Lola.  She is adorable.

Will close for today
Be kind to One Another


Sunday, March 4, 2012

So What's New?

What is new day by day in my life?  Well, in the past couple of weeks I have gone out to lunch, once with a friend from church, once with a girl I taught 40 years ago and finally with my son.  (No wonder I have weight problems:)) 

Wendsday I had another shot in my eye.  The Dr. said my eyes looked good.  Of course my eyes won't get better, but these shots are to keep them from gettingt any worse.  It is a miracle what the medical world can do now.  When I was young this would never have taken place.  I am so lucky to be living in thisd day and age.

Missed church this morning as I overslept.  Glad God understands.  Janie and I are going to go next week if she can wake me up in time.  I have to have someone call me as I don't wake up on my own.  Pastor says his sermons are on the Internet, but so far I haven't been able to find them. 

Recently I received an email with a prayer on it.  I am going to post it here as I think it is,a good one.  It is said to be a prayer of St. Teresa.  Maria Shiver mentioned it in her speech at Tom Russet's funeral. 

Today may there be peace within.  may you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite  possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.  May you be content with yourself just the way you are.  Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow yourself the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of us.

Well, guess it is time to go make another loaf of banana bread.  The poor bananas are black, hope they will still be good.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another
