Monday, May 28, 2012


Well, the month of May is almost over and it has been an unusual  month. Starting with the 10th .  Dick died 33 years ago on this date.  I can't believe I  have been alone so long.

Next came Mother's day, which was wonderful.  Love my family.

Then for two days of hell, we had thunderstorms which drove my little Annie out of her mind.  The first night,she  ran around like she was crazy and then she quieted down.  I assumed she went in to her bed and I was glad she was ok.  I watched a couple of hours of TV, then came in and checked out the computer for a while.  Finally I called her to take her out.  No Annie.  I searched the house.  No Annie.  I was really getting worried wondering what had become of my little scared baby.  I went in the bathroom, and noticed  the shower curtain was open a little and as I went to pull it closed there, curled up in a little ball, shaking like an earthquake, sat my  little girl.  She has never been able to get in the tub and how she got there I will never know.  PS.  Next night same story.  ??????How?

And now, May is almost over.  It is Memorial Day and I physically don't feel like going to the cemetery.  This is a first for me, but I am sure Dick and my Mother will understand.  My son is going out to pay his respects and will explain that I am getting old and feeble, but my thoughts and prayers are with them. 

I can't believe how cold it is.  Maybe June will bring nicer weather and a little more sunshine.  I don't like hot weather, but I wouldn't mind having it a little warmer and sunnier.  Not complaining, however.  I still think we have the best weather in the country.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.


Thursday, May 17, 2012


.I am so confused since all the changes that have been made.  I have been trying to start a new blog for the last twenty minutes and I can't get one started.  It used top be so simple.  The help items don't help.  They show how to do it, but I can't find the screen they show.  I have gone to so many blogger choices that I am ready to throw third computer through a window.  Phew....let me take a breath.

The reason I wanted to start a new blog is that this one really doesn't do what the tittle suggests.  What does an old lady do day by day?  I don't think you really want to know.  I could talk about all my aches and pains.  The physical things that are wrong with me.  Not much else of interest.  I haven't been doing that.  I have been jotting down things that just happen to be of interest to me at the moment.  So....I thought why not start a new blog called JOYCE"S JOTS.  So much for that.  If I ever figure out how to start a new blog, I will do so.l

Hope you all had a great mother's day.  My son took me out for a fantastic lunch, My daughter=in law brought over roses and my granddaughter, who lives in Utah, sent me a fantastic dozen roses with a wee box of chocolates included. 

I wanted three or four children, but I was only able to have one.  Well....I wouldn't trade him for a dozen other kids.  He is such a wonderful, loving son.  I couldn't  ask for more.

I have been going through stuff and loading up my car trunk with stuff of the Goodwill.  I have tons of paper junk to go through and I want to get rid of a lot of stuff I save that I will never do anything with.  Once I get that done I can start painting and writing again. 

It is late and I am not thinking of any great words of wisdom other than,.........

Be Kind to One Another
